How Hard Is It To Pass The Real Estate Exam?

How Hard Is It To Pass The Real Estate Exam

So you want to become a real estate agent. But before you can start selling homes you have to study and pass your real estate exam. This is step one and the big gate keeper to our new real estate career. But try your best not to be intimidated by the real estate exam. Some people pass the first try, while it may take others a couple try’s to get a passing score. Regardless we have all been there at one point in our career.

In this article we aim to uncover how hard it is to pass the real estate exam. We also plan to cover some important things you can do today to increase your chances of getting a passing score on test day. The truth is real estate exams can be difficult and many test takers fail.

How Hard Is It To Pass The Real Estate Exam?

The truth is in the numbers. The failure rate of the real estate exam is surprisingly high. Shocking numbers have come from the TREC Texas Real Estate commission which show failure rates as high as 58.94%. Yes you heard that right! If 100 students were put in a room on test day 59 would walk out of the testing center with a failing grade. This is bad news. But wait, do not get discouraged yet.

There are many things you can do as a real estate student working on getting their real estate license. 6 years ago when I was in the process of getting my real estate license I looked for all the possible ways of increasing the chances of getting a passing grade on test day. The biggest factor I found that separated the passing students from those who failed was study time and preparation.

Students who spent more time studying for their real estate exam ended up with much higher scores. This was good news. So I went to work and forced myself to study hours reading dry text in my real estate textbook. After a couple long days of study I could no longer read the book and I needed to find something better. That is when I found online real estate exam study tools.  


How To Pass The Real Estate Exam First Time

The amount of information covered in real estate textbooks can be overwhelming. Not only do you have to unravel all the new terms and definitions you have to deal with complex real estate math problems. All this can be information overload. Especially if you are a interactive learner.

I personally like learning with a more hands on approach. I wanted to be well prepared and study but I was tired of burring my head in the boring text books every night. This is when I found Prep Agent. This online real estate study tools help agents pass their exam by putting them through interactive test like simulations. The best part about the program is that it tells you exactly what questions you answered wrong with a complete explanation why. This was super helpful and played a big role in me passing my real estate exam.

Prep agent also offers a 100% money guarantee. They are very confident in the tool. If you buy the training tool and you do not like it they will refund you your money.


Failing to follow a simple study plan

Failing to follow a simple study plan

Yes we know, you probably hate to study. Because of this you might not stay consistent and skip your study sessions on a regular basis. The real estate exam is hard and the failure rate proves it. Nothing worth doing in life comes easy. If you truly want to start your real estate business and become a success story you must get through this part first.

Pay your dues, put the time in and realize it will all be worth it when you are free from your 9-5 job and you have your own business helping people buy and sell real estate. When things get hard always go back to your why. Remember why you started this journey of getting your real estate license to begin with and use it as your fuel to push you past the hard times you truly do not want to study.

Study for the exam with a friend

Real Estate can be a team sport. Another powerful way to increase your chances of success on test day is to partner with a real estate classmate. Think about it, you are both facing the same challenge. Your real estate friend can help quiz you and uncover problem areas where you might struggle on your real estate exam.

Think about back when you were in High school or College, studying with a friend was much more productive and fun than studying by yourself. Many natural test takers love this method and attribute their test taking success to sending time with study buddy’s from class.

Beware of Trick Questions

Real estate exams are known for their trick questions. Make sure you read every question at least two times to make sure you fully understand it. This can help you avoid answering questions wrong that you really could have answered right if you just took the time to read and process the question. The good news is you will have plenty of time to take the exam so try your best not to rush or get nervous. The average allowed exam time allowed per state is 3-4 hours. Rushing through the exam is a rookie mistake that may lead to a failing score.

Studying for the exam in the main ingredient to pass your real estate exam. But reading the questions slowly and not rushing through the test is definitely the sauce that will ensure you walk out of the test center with a passing score.


Passing your real estate exam is hard. Many people fail the exam their first try. Some students even fail the exam multiple try’s. Do not give up and always remember why you got started on this journey of getting your real estate license.

If you invest the time studying and getting prepared you will increase the chances of walking out of the testing center with a passing score. Remember nothing good comes easy and you will need to spend time studying to make your dream of becoming a real estate agent a reality.

Chris Lynch

Hi! I'm Chris . I'm a Realtor on a mission to help more Real Estate entrepreneurs succeed in real estate . Along with writing and producing content, I work activity in the real estate field as a Team leader and Real Estate Investor.

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